Ather Energy’s Stagnation: What Stalled India’s Og Ev Startup?


Despite Ather Energy's early entry and technological prowess, its market share has not improved for the past five years, raising questions about its strategic choices and ability to compete with industry leaders

The company remains undervalued when compared to the peers, believes many including Ather cofounder Tarun Mehta

Despite no growth in market share in mid run, Ather is at excellent position to acquire much more market share in the long run, given it fixes a few things, experts dive in


India’s electric vehicle market has changed drastically in the past three years, but for Ather Energy, a pioneer of sorts in the EV startup ecosystem, it’s been a story of stagnation. 

Electric two-wheelers (E2W) today command a significant 60% market share of all EVs with the likes of Ola Electric, TVS, Chetak and Hero MotorCorp’s Vida joining in the past three years to compete with Ather.

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